Security Policy
It is North York General Hospital’s (NYGH) policy to provide a safe environment for all its patients/residents, visitors, families, staff, physicians and volunteers. The protection of people, information, assets and reputation is a key principle of patient and family centered care. The Hospital is committed to ensuring due care is exercised to protect all NYGH assets in accordance with the requirements of applicable laws, regulations, and Hospital policies to ensure successful continuing Hospital operations.
A safe environment is achieved by:
- Protecting our community, assets, information and reputation from any form of damage, theft, abuse, misuse or threatening environment.
- Establishing responsibility and accountability for our community, assets, information and reputation.
- Enforcing this Policy and utilizing legal remedies where/when appropriate and as required in the event of non-compliance.
- Staff maintaining an appropriate level of awareness, knowledge, and skills to allow them to minimize the occurrence and severity of security incidents.
- Providing staff tools, education and the support required to respond to security threats and promote a safe work environment.
- Ensuring the Hospital is able to continue operations as a critical care facility in event of a security incident or threat.
- Maintaining and protecting the confidentiality of information.
- Enforcing our policies and procedures including Statement of Integrity.
- Promoting a Trauma Informed Care (TIC) approach that values: physical, psychological and emotional safety for both health care providers and survivors of trauma.
- Acknowledging the vulnerabilities or triggers of trauma survivors that traditional service delivery approaches may exacerbate so services and programs can be more supportive and avoid re-traumatization.
This policy applies to all staff, patients, staff, physician, students, volunteers, contract employees, contractors and service providers hired by, engaged by or acting on behalf of NYGH, at all NYGH owned or operated locations, including those at remote sites that process or store NYGH information. Compliance with this policy is expected.