Birthing Centre Revitalization – Renovation Updates
NYGH has begun work to revitalize our aging Birthing Centre so it will deliver a modern standard of comfort to all patients, babies and their families. Click here to learn more.
The renovations will take place in phases and are expected to be completed in 2026. All clinical services will continue during this time but there will be changes to access and how to navigate the second floor at NYGH’s General site. See below for the latest notices. These will be updated on an ongoing basis as the renovations progress:
Current Updates
- Access to the second floor is currently through the South lobby elevator and stairwell, and central service elevators. The central public elevators are bypassing the second floor and access from the accompanying stairwell is closed.
- Hoarding (boarding) has been installed in the public corridors, Labour and Delivery, and Post-Partum areas. Signage has been placed throughout the floor to help with navigating around the renovation areas.
- Work will take place between 7 a.m. and 4 p.m. so expect occasional noise disruptions. Earplugs are available at the nursing desks if needed along with ear protection for infants.