North York General Hospital offers two unique diabetes centres where we work with patients and their families to provide education and support:
the Diabetes Education Centre (DEC); and
the Centre for Complex Diabetes Care (CCDC)
Both of our centres offer a supportive, caring environment where patients learn about strategies to manage their diabetes. We provide education and encouragement to patients, families and caregivers with the goal of working together to achieve the best possible health outcomes. A referral from a primary care provider (PCP) is required for both the DEC and the CCDC.
We are here for you!
Managing diabetes is not always easy, but we are here to help. We offer three different programs for our patients and families. Please read the information below to see which centre best fits your needs:
Diabetes Education Centre (DEC)
I have Type 1, Type 2 or Gestational diabetes.
I am 0-18 years with Type 1, Type 2 or pre-diabetes.
I am the parent/guardian of an infant, child or adolescent with diabetes.
I want to know more about insulin pumps or continuous glucose monitors (CGM).
Centre for Complex Diabetes Care (CCDC)
I am 18 years or older and have Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes
I have unmanaged diabetes complications.
I need extra help to manage my health care.
I have recently been in hospital or at the emergency room because of diabetes.
I manage my diabetes with oral medications, or insulin, or both.
I have trouble getting the health care I need (e.g., I am a senior, I have mental health challenges, I have financial difficulties, I have poor mobility).
Access the referral forms to the Diabetes Education Centre and Centre for Complex Diabetes.
Works closely with health care team to create management plan
Provides necessary prescriptions, orders blood work / lab tests
Monitors for diabetes-related complications
Nurse practitioner
Provides counseling, education, treatment and guidance
Helps to maintain good health and prevent complications
Diagnoses illness, manage chronic diseases
Orders and interpret tests and procedures
Registered nurse
Assesses your needs and helps develop your personal goals
Provides personalized diabetes education and counseling
Helps you understand test results and safe diabetes targets
Communicates management plan and results to your team
Registered Dietitian
Individualized diet assessment and support with meal planning
Helps you understand how your food choices relate to your blood sugar and insulin
Support goal setting around lifestyle changes
Education on carbohydrate counting, understanding food labels and general healthy eating principles
Social worker
Connects you with programs, financial support, community activities, housing, transportation, meals on wheels
Helps you and your family cope with illness and stress
Provides counseling and guidance through transition
Provides you diabetic foot and lower leg care, wound care
Diagnoses, treats and helps to prevent food complications
Provides risk assessments and identifies complications
Educates you on diabetic foot conditions and preventative care
Provides medication education and assessments to identify, prevent and resolve potential drug-related problems
Offers information about over-the-counter medications
Provides medication education and assessments to identify, prevent and resolve potential drug-related problems
Offers information about over-the-counter medications
Works with you and your team to identify and address concerns
The following programs are available to all patients of the Diabetes Education Centre and Centre for Complex Diabetes Care:
Craving Change
(3 sessions, 2 hours per session)
Understanding why you eat the way you do
Comfort yourself without food
Change your thinking, change your eating
Foot Care
(2 hours)
Learn how to prevent diabetic foot complications
Get tips on inspecting your feet, daily care, proper fitting shoes, exercise and more
You & Your Medication
(2 hours)
Find out more about over the counter medications and natural products that can help or hinder your diabetes
Stress Management
(2 hours)
Discover how stress affects diabetes and how diabetes affects stress
Pump Information
(2 hours)
Learn more about insulin pumps
Meet the insulin pump company representatives
Pump User Group
(2 hours)
Meet others who are currently using insulin pump technology
Learn best practices and practical strategies on getting the most out of your pump
Healthy Living Now
(2.5-hour sessions over 6 weeks)
Self-management workshop for adults with Type 2 diabetes
Learn techniques to deal with the symptoms of diabetes: hyper/hypoglycemia, fatigue and pain
Discover ways to manage stress and emotional problems; such as depression, anger, fear and frustration
Learn healthy eating, appropriate exercise and use of medication and working more effectively with health care
Diabetes Self-care
(2-hour sessions over 3 weeks + 1)
Learn about diabetes, medications, nutrition, monitoring blood sugar, safe targets and much more
Join the Review Group (4th week) to keep up to date, clarify questions and network with other Type 2 diabetes
Mindfulness Based Eating Program (MB-EAT) Training Group
(2.5-hour sessions over 12 weeks)
Make informed, balanced, healthy choices as a lifestyle
Mindfulness meditation
Understanding eating patterns and mindfulness eating exercises
Loving kindness and self-compassion practices
Exploration of craving and emotional eating
Links to Additional Resources
For further information about diabetes, please visit: