Demolition of Building at 4000 Leslie St., the future home of NYGH’s 528-bed LTC Development

September 20, 2024

This week, the demolition of the hospital’s former administrative building at 4000 Leslie began, as part of the site preparation for the build of our new and visionary Long-Term Care (LTC) Development.

The new LTC Development features a 528-bed LTC home – one of Ontario’s largest – along with two floors dedicated to seniors-focussed services and parking for the LTC Development and the hospital.

The design of the new LTC Development is in progress and aspires to set a new standard for LTC in the province. We are very excited to work with the Ministry of Long-Term Care to help achieve the government’s mandate of expanding access to LTC in Toronto, North York and across Ontario.

The physical demolition process, led by our Construction Manager EllisDon, will take six to eight weeks, with minimal impact on hospital operations and our neighbours.

We are working closely with the Ministry of Long-Term Care on project approvals and hope to continue to advance this project that is much needed for our community.

For more information about how NYGH is reimagining seniors’ care visit