Paediatric Clinic
North York General Hospital sees a variety of patients in our Paediatric Clinics in our Steinberg Family Paediatric Centre. Our General Paediatric Consultation Clinic and our Subspecialty Clinics are located on the 4th floor at the General Site of NYGH.

Referrals for the following services/ conditions should be made to the providers referenced:
*development or beharioural consultations – Holland Bloorview
*somatic symptoms – Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids)
*private speech therapy – Surrey Place
*speech and language services – see other options in the community
*orthopedics – Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids)
Assessment and Treatment for:
- General Paediatric consultations from community paediatricians and family doctors
- Follow-up from the Charlotte & Lewis Steinberg Emergency Department
- Follow-up from SickKids Emergency Department
- Follow-up from our paediatric inpatient unit
How to book an appointment:
- Your child’s primary care doctor should send a referral request to the Paediatric Consultation Clinic, or your child will be referred from the NYGH or SickKids emergency department.
Contact Information:
North York General Hospital, General site
Steinberg Family Paediatric Centre
Paediatric Clinic, 4th Floor
4001 Leslie Street
M2K 1E1
Phone: 416-756-6479
Fax: 416-756-6152
Assessment and Treatment for:
- Oral food challenges
Please note, patients must have an allergy consultation with Dr. Kagan prior to booking oral food challenges at NYGH. For an allergy consultation, please refer to Dr. Rhoda Kagan:
4800 Leslie Street – Suite 310
Toronto, ON
Phone: 416-492-5888
Fax: 416-492-6569
Or through Ocean eReferal
This would include:
- Adverse Reactions to vaccines
- Allergic rhinitis
- Asthma
- Drug allergies
- Environmental allergies
- Food Allergies
- Food Intolerances
- Hives
- Immunotherapy (both sublingual and subcutaneous)
- Insect allergy
- Oral Food Challenges (these may be performed at NYGH)
- Oral Immunotherapy for Foods (Food desensitization)
Physician: Dr. Ronik Kanani

Assessment and Treatment for:
- Urinary incontinence
- Urinary frequency or urgency
- Straining or difficulty emptying bladder
- Recurrent urinary tract infections
- Nocturnal enuresis (bedwetting)
- Chronic constipation
- Toileting accidents
How to book an appointment:
- Your child’s primary care doctor should send a referral request to the Bowel and Bladder Dysfunction (BBD) Clinic.
Contact Information:
North York General Hospital, General site
Steinberg Family Paediatric Centre
Paediatric Clinic, 4th Floor
4001 Leslie Street
M2K 1E1
Phone: 416-756-6479
Fax: 416-756-6152
Physician: Dr. Miriam Weinstein

Assessment of and Treatment for:
- Atopic dermatitis
- Birth marks
- Acne
- Skin infections
- Lumps and bumps
- Rashes
- Neonatal skin conditions
- Nail disorders
- Hair loss
- Dispigmentation
- Genetic skin diseases
How to book an appointment:
- Your child’s primary care doctor should send a referral request to the Dermatology Clinic.
Contact Information:
North York General Hospital, General site
Steinberg Family Paediatric Centre
Paediatric Clinic, 4th Floor
4001 Leslie Street
M2K 1E1
Phone: 416-756-6479
Fax: 416-756-6152
Physician: Dr. Mar Miserachs
Assessment and Treatment for:

- Abdominal pain
- Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
- Dysphagia (problems swallowing)
- Celiac Disease
- Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
- Chronic diarrhea
- Refractory constipation
- Faltering growth
- Fatty liver disease
How to book an appointment:
- Your child’s primary care doctor should send a referral request to the Gastroenterology Clinic.
Contact Information:
North York General Hospital, General site
Steinberg Family Paediatric Centre
Paediatric Clinic, 4th Floor
4001 Leslie Street
M2K 1E1
Phone: 416-756-6479
Fax: 416-756-6152
Physicians: Dr. Alexandra Nevin Lam
Assessment and Treatment of:
- Abnormal uterine bleeding including heavy and irregular bleeding
- Amenorrhea
- Dysmenorrhea
- Precocious puberty
- Ovarian masses
- Vulvar dermatologic disorders
How to book an appointment:
- Your child’s primary care doctor should send a referral request to the Gynecology Clinic.
Contact Information:
North York General Hospital, General site
Steinberg Family Paediatric Centre
Paediatric Clinic, 4th Floor
4001 Leslie Street
M2K 1E1
Phone: 416-756-6479
Fax: 416-756-6152
Physician: Dr. Natasha Alexander
Assessment and Treatment of:
- Anemia
- Microcytic, normocytic or macrocytic anemia
- Iron Deficiency with or without anemia
- Thalassemia Trait
- Sickle Cell Trait
- G6PD deficiency
- Polycythemia
- Bleeding concerns
- Mild-moderate thrombocytopenia
- Bleeding concerns for further work up e.g. easy bruising, recurrent epistaxis, menorrhagia
- Abnormal coagulation testing e.g. abnormal INR/PTT
- Thrombocytosis
- Work up for thrombosis risk factors e.g. family history of thrombosis
- Neutropenia or leucopenia
- Leukocytosis without blasts
How to book an appointment:
- Your child’s primary care doctor should send a referral request to the Hematology Clinic.
Contact Information:
North York General Hospital, General site
Steinberg Family Paediatric Centre
Paediatric Clinic, 4th Floor
4001 Leslie Street
M2K 1E1
Phone: 416-756-6479
Fax: 416-756-6152
Paediatric Hematology Clinic Referral – PDF
Physicians: Dr. Laura Betcherman and Dr Priya Saini
Assessment and Treatment for:
- Acute Kidney Injury Follow-up
- Chronic Electrolyte Abnormalities
- Hypertension
- Gross Hematuria
- Microscopic hematuria
- Proteinuria
- CKD stage 1-3a (GFR >45mL/min/1.73m2)
- Urinary Tract Malformations:
- Solitary kidney
- Ectopic kidneys
- Horseshoe kidneys, cross-fused ectopia
- Hydronephrosis
- Duplex collecting systems
- Unilateral dysplasia
- Unilateral cystic kidney disease
- (For other anomalies or severe cases, please refer to the Hospital for Sick Children)
Referrals for the following conditions should be directed elsewhere:
- Stones/ nephrocalcinosis
- Should be directed to the Hospital for Sick Children or community nephrology provider
- Antenatal renal consults
- Should be directed to NYGH NICU for antenatal consult
- Nephrotic syndrome
- Should be directed to the Hospital for Sick Children
How to book an appointment:
- Your child’s primary care doctor should send a referral request to the Nephrology Clinic.
Contact Information:
North York General Hospital, General site
Steinberg Family Paediatric Centre
Paediatric Clinic, 4th Floor
4001 Leslie Street
M2K 1E1
Phone: 416-756-6479
Fax: 416-756-6152
Physician: Dr. Dragos Nita
Assessment and Treatment for:
- Cerebral palsy
- Concussions
- Congenital defects of the brain and spinal cord
- Epilepsy and Epilepsy Surgery assessments
- Headaches
- Inflammatory brain disease
- Movement disorders
- Nerve and muscle problems
- Neurogenetic diseases
- Neurological complications of medical diseases
- Seizures
- Sleep problems
- Stroke and vascular conditions
- Traumatic injury to the nervous system
How to book an appointment:
- Your child’s primary care doctor should send a referral request to the Neurology Clinic at NeuroCare.
Contact Information:
1110 Sheppard Ave. East
Suite 401/402
Toronto, ON M2K 2W2
Phone: 416-224-1922
Fax: 416-224-0056
NeuroCare Referral Form (PDF)
Physicians: Dr. Joanna Massam and Dr. Tania Samanta
Assessment and Treatment of:
- Recurrent wheezing
- Difficult to control asthma
- Chronic cough
- Dyspnea with exertion
- Recurrent pneumonia
How to book an appointment:
- Your child’s primary care doctor should send a referral request to the Respirology Clinic.
Contact Information:
North York General Hospital, General site
Steinberg Family Paediatric Centre
Paediatric Clinic, 4th Floor
4001 Leslie Street
M2K 1E1
Phone: 416-756-6479
Fax: 416-756-6152
Physicians: Dr. Clare Hutchinson and Dr. Gordon Soon
Assessment and Treatment for:
- Joint pain and swelling
- Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis
- Periodic fever syndromes
- Vasculitis, lupus, dermatomyositis
How to book an appointment:
- Your child’s primary care doctor should send a referral request to the Rheumatology Clinic.
Contact Information:
North York General Hospital, General site
Steinberg Family Paediatric Centre
Paediatric Clinic, 4th Floor
4001 Leslie Street
M2K 1E1
Phone: 416-756-6479
Fax: 416-756-6152