Where to go for Health Care in North York

If you have a family doctor or nurse practitioner, contact them first as many provide after-hours care for their patients.
Health Services Hotlines
Walk-in and urgent care clinics
After-hours and urgent care clinics for children
Primary Care Provider Information
- Health Care Connect (external website) referees people who live in Ontario who don’t have a family doctor or nurse practitioner to one who may be accepting new patients.
- Call 1-800-445-1822
Hospital Emergency Department
- If you are seriously ill or injured, or have a life-threatening condition, go to North York General Hospital’s Charlotte & Lewis Steinberg Emergency (4001 Leslie St.) or the emergency department of your nearest hospital.
- Details on when to come to an emergency department.
The Toronto Health and Social Services Directory
- Easy-to-use website with listings for 8,000+, health, social, and community services in Toronto, including North York.
- Search by location, keyword, or topic.
For a flyer with information on where to get care in North York (external website). If you require this information in different languages (external link).