When to Come to Emergency

If you are seriously ill or injured, or have a life-threatening condition, or have already tried to seriously hurt yourself or end your life, go to our Charlotte & Lewis Steinberg Emergency.

People with worrisome chest pains, signs of stroke, severe breathing difficulties or who are actively trying to seriously hurt themselves or end their lives, should call 911 right away.

When to take your child to the Emergency Department

As a parent or caregiver, you know your child best. The Charlotte & Lewis Steinberg Emergency is always here for you. To help you decide whether to take your child to the Emergency Department, check out this helpful infographic.

Not an emergencyEmergency
Fever or Flu-like Symptoms

– Cough, runny nose, congestion

– Sore throat

– Pink-eye

– Earache

– Child is generally well and playful when the fever is
controlled with Ibuprofen or Acetaminophen
Fever in infants under 3 months

Fever lasting over 5 days
Breathing Concerns

– Cough waking from sleep

– Lingering cough with no fever
Trouble Breathing

– Rapid breathing rate or working hard to breathe

– Patients with asthma not responding to usual puffers every 4 hours

– Bluish discolouration to face or lips
Vomiting or Diarrhea when still drinking and voiding wellVomiting or Diarrhea with dehydration
Minor Injury, Sprain or strain Broken Bone
Scrapes and BruisesComplicated Cut or Laceration, Severe Burn
Low Energy Sudden Change in Mental State

– Eczema

– Minor hives
Severe Allergic Reaction/Anaphylaxis

– Hives with difficulty breathing, vomiting, or diarrhea

Alternatives to the Emergency Department where you can receive non-emergency care


Charlotte & Lewis Steinberg Emergency Get Directions
North York General Hospital, General site, 1st floor
4001 Leslie Street, Toronto ON M2K 1E1
Leslie Street south of Sheppard Avenue East
Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Parking: If you are driving to the ED, there is a small short-term Emergency parking lot. The Emergency lot has a pay and display machine that takes coins and credit cards. There is a change machine inside the Emergency Department entrance. You can also use our Visitors’ Parking.

Most seriously ill patients seen first

North York General’s Emergency Department also handles non-life threatening injuries and illnesses. However, our ED does not work on a first come, first served basis. The most seriously ill or injured patients are seen first in our Charlotte & Lewis Steinberg Emergency. Learn more about Registration and Triage.