Jomini Leong

St.Gabriel’s Passionist Parish (external website) is a partner with the Volunteer Services Spiritual Care Faith Visitor program. Trained congregation members like Jomini organize regular patient and resident visits.

“I really enjoyed gathering the residents together at Seniors’ Health Centre to share prayer and sing hymns. I could feel how happy it made them.”, said Jomini.

A retired Radiation Therapist, Jomini felt she wanted to do more for North York General Hospital (NYGH). She missed the patient interaction that she had found so fulfilling throughout her career. Jomini was familiar with the hospital site; her family had received great care here for years. Curious about how else she could support, Jomini connected with the Volunteer Services team. After exploring various opportunities, she accepted a volunteer assignment with the Paediatrics team supporting our inpatient children and teens. She finds it very rewarding to see them engaged in an activity and smiling. Jomini knows it is not easy when your child is in the hospital, and the little things, offering a drink or a smile, can mean so much to the families.  

 “Jomini has added unmatched energy to the Paediatrics In-Patient unit. We are inspired by her generosity, charisma, and creativity. Whether Jomini is sharing her artistic talent sketching with our teens, or keeping family members company, she makes a positive impact on every shift. Fridays are better when Jomini is here!” said Cecily Boyd, Child Life Specialist. 

When Volunteer Services began to recover programming post-Covid, we asked volunteers to consider returning to help at our Seneca Mobile Vaccine Clinic. Jomini responded immediately and was a great help flowing people through this large facility.  

As needed, Jomini also supports the Foundation’s special events. “I am passionate about raising money for important charities and organizations like NYGH. The Foundation team is wonderful, and I am learning a lot about donor relations,” said Jomini.  

Jomini, thank you for ensuring people come first in everything you do!