Surgery Information
How will my surgery appointment be confirmed?
Your surgeon’s office will confirm the time of surgery.
Where is the surgical area located?
The Surgical floor is located on the first floor of the General site at 4001 Leslie St.
Is there a chance my surgery could be cancelled?
Unfortunately, the hospital may have to cancel surgeries on short notice, depending on how the current pandemic is impacting the health care system.
Do I need to bring my health card?
Yes, you must bring your health card.
What COVID-19 precautions do I need to follow before my surgery?
Inpatient surgeries: If you have symptoms such as fever, sore throat, coughing, please call your Surgeon’s office. Do not come to the hospital day of Surgery.
Outpatient surgeries: If you have symptoms such as cough, cold or fever, please call your Surgeon’s office. Please do not come into hospital if you exhibit these symptoms.
How early should I arrive for my appointment?
Please arrive at least one and a half hours before your surgery time (or as directed by your surgeon’s office).
Is there a designated entrance and exit?
You can use the South or West lobby to enter and exit.
Am I permitted a caregiver when I arrive for surgery?
Due to limited space, patients requiring the assistance of a family member should ideally have no more than one (1) person accompany them.
What safety measures should I follow when inside the hospital?
While inside the hospital please observe the following safety measures:
- A mask is required in all patient-care areas at NYGH including inpatient units, ambulatory/day clinics, and waiting and registration areas.
- Masking will be highly recommended but optional in other areas such as meeting rooms, the cafeteria, Tim Horton’s, Starbucks, administrative offices, staff break rooms and lounges.
- All patients, support persons and visitors entering our facilities will be provided a hospital approved mask. Personal cloth masks/ face coverings are not permitted on site..
Can I have visitors after my surgery?
Two (2) visitors per patient is permitted.
What time will I be discharged home from the hospital?
Please plan for discharge at 10 a.m.
What instructions do I need to follow before my surgery?
- To support NYGH’s commitment to reducing our environmental footprint and creating cleaner, greener spaces both inside our walls and in our community, NYGH requires patients to bring a reusable garment bag to hold their personal items during surgery and reusable water bottle.
- Do not eat after midnight the night before your surgery (including gum, candy or lozenges). You can have 1-2 cups (500ml max) of one of the following clear liquids only: apple juice, ginger ale, water, black tea or black coffee up to 4 HOURS before your surgery (no milk or cream). You may brush your teeth. *If these guidelines are not followed, your surgery may be delayed or cancelled for safety reasons.
- Please stop all anti-inflammatory drugs (i.e. Advil, aspirin, naproxen) three (3) days before surgery unless told otherwise by your surgeon or anaesthesiologist. Tylenol (acetaminophen) is OK prior to surgery.
- Please stop all vitamins, supplements, and herbal and green teas seven (7) days before surgery.
- Bring hand sanitizer for your bedside.
- Do not apply body lotion, make-up, nail polish, or perfumes on the day of surgery.
- No hair removal from the operative site seven (7) days before surgery. Doing so can increase your risk of infection.
- Please leave valuables at home. The hospital is not responsible for personal items i.e. jewelry, money, mobility aids, hearing aids, dentures, or glasses. If you wear contact lenses, please bring your lens holder with you or wear your glasses. If you use a mobility aid, please label it with your name and bring it with you. The Hospital will not assume any responsibility for lost personal items.
- Please bring toiletries (i.e. soap, toothbrush, toothpaste) and tissues. These items are not supplied by the hospital. Please bring slippers, a robe and pajamas.
Arrange for an adult to accompany you home by car or taxi (please avoid public transit) and to stay overnight with you following your surgery.
A responsible adult must be with you at home to assist with your activities and mobility like walking and using stairs, as needed, for the first 24 hours.
For orthopaedic joint surgery patients only:
- If you are having joint surgery, do not have any dental work one (1) month before surgery and wait until three (3) months after your surgery.
- Do not have any injections into your joint between 3-6 months before your surgery (check with your surgeon.)
After surgery
Track your progress with the ‘Tracking my Progress’ sheet (PDF).
How will my surgery appointment be confirmed?
Your surgeon’s office will confirm the time of surgery.
Where is the Surgical area located?
The Surgical floor is located on the first floor of the General site at 4001 Leslie St.
Is there a chance my surgery could be cancelled?
Unfortunately, the hospital may have to cancel surgeries on short notice, depending on how the current pandemic is impacting the health care system.
Do I need to bring my child’s health card?
Yes, you must bring your child’s health card.
What COVID-19 precautions do I need to follow before my surgery?
Inpatient surgeries. If you have symptoms such as fever, sore throat, coughing, please call your Surgeon’s office. Do not come to the hospital day of Surgery.
Outpatient surgeries: If you have symptoms such as Cough, cold or fever, please call your Surgeon’s office. Please do not come into hospital if you exhibit these symptoms.
NOTE: Unwell parents/caregivers/support people will not be permitted to enter the hospital and your child’s surgery will need to be re-scheduled if another parent/caregiver/support person is unavailable.
How early should I arrive for my appointment?
Please arrive at least one and a half hours before your surgery time (or as directed by your surgeon’s office).
Is there a designated entrance and exit?
You can use the South or West lobby to enter and exit.
Am I permitted a caregiver when I arrive for surgery?
Due to limited space, we encourage patients to limit accompanying people to one (1) person per child.
What safety measures should I follow when inside the hospital?
While inside the hospital please observe the following safety measures:
- A mask is required in all patient care areas of NYGH including inpatient units, ambulatory/day clinics, and waiting and registration areas.
- Masking is highly recommended but optional in other areas such as meeting rooms, the cafeteria, Tim Horton’s, Starbucks, administrative offices, staff break rooms and lounges.
- All patients, support persons and visitors entering our facilities will be provided a hospital approved mask. Personal cloth masks/ face coverings are not permitted on site.
Can I have visitors after my surgery?
Two (2) visitors per patient is permitted.
What time will I be discharged home from the hospital?
Please plan for discharge at 10 a.m.
What instructions should my child follow before surgery?
- To support NYGH’s commitment to reducing our environmental footprint and creating cleaner, greener spaces both inside our walls and in our community, NYGH requires patients to bring a reusable garment bag to hold their personal items during surgery and reusable water bottle.
- Please do not allow your child to eat (including gum, candy or lozenges) after midnight the night before your surgery. Your child can have 1-2 cups (500ml max) of one of the following listed clear liquids only: apple juice, ginger ale, water, up to 2 HOURS before your surgery (no milk or cream). For infants and young children, they may be breastfed or be given expressed breastmilk by bottle, up 4 HOURS before surgery or may be fed formula up to 6 HOURS before surgery. You may also have your child brush their teeth on the morning of their surgery. **If these guidelines are not followed, your surgery may be delayed or cancelled for safety reasons.
- Please stop all anti-inflammatory drugs (i.e. Advil, aspirin, naproxen) three (3) days before surgery unless told otherwise by your surgeon or anaesthesiologist. Your child can have Tylenol (acetaminophen) prior to surgery.
- Please stop all vitamins, supplements, herbal and green teas seven (7) days before surgery.
- Do not allow your child to apply body lotion, make-up, nail polish, or perfumes on the day of surgery.
- Please do not allow your child to remove hair from the operative site within seven (7) days of surgery. Doing so can increase their risk of infection.
- Please leave valuables at home. The hospital is not responsible personal items left unattended, e.g. jewelry, money, mobility aids, hearing aids, glasses.
- Please have your child dressed in loose, comfortable clothing and bring a bag to hold them in during their surgery. Please have your child dressed in loose, comfortable clothing and bring a bag to hold them in during their surgery. If your child wears contact lenses, please have them bring their lens holder or wear their glasses the day of surgery. If your child requires the use of a mobility aid, please label it with their name and bring it with them. We will provide a locker for you to store your child’s belongings.
What instructions should my child follow after surgery?
- Do not drive a car or perform any task that requires skill, coordination or judgment for at least 24 hours after your anaesthetic has worn off.
- Keep your activity light for the rest of the day after surgery. It is normal to feel a little dizzy or sleepy after your operation.
- Eat only a light meal (i.e. soup and a beverage) that evening. We will ensure you can tolerate fluids before being discharged home.
- Do not drink any alcoholic beverages for at least 24 hours after your anaesthetic has worn off.
- Resume your regular medications as directed by your surgeon. A prescription may be ordered by your surgeon and given to you in the Day Surgery Unit.
- You can fill your prescription at the NYGH Outpatient Pharmacy at the General site.
After surgery
Track your progress with the ‘Tracking my Progress’ sheet (PDF).
How will my surgery appointment be confirmed?
Your ophthalmologist’s office will confirm the time and date of your cataract surgery.
Is there a chance my surgery could be cancelled? Unfortunately, the NYGH may have to cancel surgeries on short notice, depending on how the current pandemic is impacting the health care system.
Where is the Eye Surgery Centre Located?
The Eye Surgery Centre is located at the NYGH Minor Surgical Procedures and Elder Care Centre at 243 Consumers Rd. on the 3rd floor.
Do I need my health card?
Yes, you must bring your health card to every eye surgery appointment.
Do I need to wear a mask?
Yes, all patients and support people need to wear a mask while inside the NYGH Minor Surgical Procedures and Elder Care Centre.
Should someone accompany me to my eye surgery appointment?
Yes, you must arrange for someone to accompany you home, even if you are taking Wheel-Trans, a taxi or Uber. You should not take public transit (e.g. bus or subway) even with a support person.
How early should I arrive for my eye surgery appointment?
Please arrive at the reception of the Eye Surgery Centre one hour before your surgery time (or as directed by your surgeon’s office). The office opens at 7 a.m.
Am I permitted a support person when I arrive for surgery?
Due to limited space and in order to maintain physical distancing, we encourage patients to enter without a visitor if able. Patients requiring the assistance of a support person should ideally have no more than one (1) person accompany them.
Where should my support person wait during surgery?
Due to limited space and the need to physically distance from others, family members can wait in either the retail area on the second floor of the the building (Parkway Place Food Court) or nearby. A staff member will contact them on their cell phone when it is time to return. The last three (3) patients of the day will be asked to have their support person stay on site.
What COVID-19 precautions do I need to follow before my surgery?
If you have symptoms such as cough, cold, fever or diarrhea, please do not come for your surgery and call your Surgeon’s office. You will need to rebook your surgery for when you are well.
What safety measures should I follow when inside the hospital?
While inside the hospital please keep a mask on at all times. All patients, support persons and visitors entering NYGH facilities will be issued a hospital approved mask. Personal cloth masks/ face coverings are not permitted on site.
Can I purchase “premium lens”?
Yes, please bring a valid form of payment, such as Visa, MasterCard, or Debit card. Cost of premium lens is subject to change.
Who should I contact if I have questions or concerns prior to my surgery?
If you have questions or concerns about your cataract surgery, please speak with your ophthalmologist.
Is there parking available?
Yes, parking is available opposite the Centre on William Sylvester Drive for $10/daily maximum.
How do I contact the Eye Centre?
You can reach the Eye Surgery Centre at 416-756-6851.
What instructions do I need to follow before my surgery?
- To support NYGH’s commitment to reducing our environmental footprint and creating cleaner, greener spaces both inside our walls and in our community, NYGH requires patients to bring a reusable garment bag to hold their personal items during surgery and reusable water bottle.
- Do not eat (including gum, candy or lozenges) after midnight the night before your surgery. You may brush your teeth.
If these guidelines are not followed, your surgery may be delayed or cancelled for safety reasons. - Blood pressure and heart medications should be taken the morning of your surgery with a sip of water.
- Follow all the eye drop instructions provided by your ophthalmologist.
- Do not wear make-up on the day of your eye surgery.
- Wear comfortable clothing (preferably a shirt that buttons completely down the front).
- Please leave valuables at home. NYGH is not responsible personal items e.g. jewelry, money, mobility aids.
- Do not wear perfumes. NYGH is a reduced scent facility. Deodorant is okay to wear.
** Post-operative instructions will be provided upon discharge.