Faculty Development
What is faculty development?
Faculty development is a broad range of activities to renew or assist faculty, supervisors, preceptors, instructors, teachers and clinical educators. These activities are designed to improve an individual’s knowledge and skills in areas considered essential to their performance as teachers, educators, administrators, leaders and researchers.
Who should attend faculty development activities?
These events and activities are aimed at anyone at North York General Hospital who has a role relating to teaching and education. You do not need to actually hold a “Faculty appointment” at a university or college to participate in these activities.
Opportunities available:
The Centre for Education offers physicians and health professional staff many opportunities for faculty and professional development. These include:
Enhancing Clinical Teaching
Enhancing Clinical Teaching is an interactive three-evening teacher development series for physicians at North York General Hospital on how to be a better teacher and supervisor in the clinical setting. We encourage you to attend all three sessions for the complete experience, as concepts will build on each other. However, we also realize that life gets in the way. So each session is designed as a stand-alone workshop if you can’t attend all three.
ESSNCE — Education Scholarship for Staff at NYGH Continuing Education
ESSNCE is a longitudinal faculty development program at North York General Hospital for staff and physicians to develop knowledge and skills in the area of “Education Scholarship.” Through a series of monthly 90-minute workshops, participants will be mentored through the process from an idea to completion of a scholarly project related to education.
What is scholarship?
There are many definitions of scholarship, but most would agree that for scholarship to be praised it must be characterized by:
- clear goals
- adequate preparation,
- appropriate methods
- outstanding results
- effective communication, and
- a reflective critique (Glassick, Academic Medicine. 2000; 75:877-880)
What is involved?
The program consists of monthly 90-minute workshops (3rd Tuesday, 4 p.m., January to December with a break for the summer) on topics that build on the core skills and knowledge required to complete a scholarly education project. In addition, each participant will be assigned a local “advisor” and have access to consultation with an “Education Scientist.” Participants will be expected to work through an education project— from idea to presentation. We are hoping that projects will be presented during Teaching and Learning Week in June 2017 and at a regional/national conference.
For more information contact us at the Centre for Education cfe@nygh.on.ca.
Rick Penciner, Director, Medical Education and Centre for Education, North York General Hospital
Risa Freeman, Vice Chair of Education, Department of Family and Community Medicine, University of Toronto
Preceptor Workshop (foundational teachings skills)
This is a one-day workshop designed to offer clinical teachers the opportunity to share their teaching experiences and build their teaching skills and abilities together.
Beyond the Basics Program
This is a series of monthly workshops to renew or assist faculty, supervisors, preceptors, instructors, teachers and clinical educators.
Departmental Rounds
Link to our rounds schedule.
Interprofessional Education
- iPediPed or “Interprofessional Education Development” is a one-day program offered at North York General Hospital. It is designed for health professionals who are interested in expanding their knowledge and skills to be effective teachers in an interprofessional clinical education setting. Is iPed for me?
Are you a teacher, preceptor, supervisor of students, residents or other learners? Do you work in a collaborative interprofessional team? Then iPed is for you! iPed topics include:- Interprofessional education foundational principles
- Reflective practice in teaching
- Collaboration and teamwork
- Role awareness and stereotypes
- Facilitation in interprofessional education
- Conflict Resolution and feedback
Educating Health Professionals in Interprofessional Care: Advancing the Future of Healthcare through Interprofessional Learning. This certificate course for health professionals, educators and leaders is designed to equip leaders with the knowledge, skills and attitudes to teach learners and fellow colleagues the art and science of working collaboratively for patient-centred care. For more information visit U of T’s Centre for IPE.
BPER Rounds
Best Practice in Education Rounds: These one-hour presentations focus on faculty development topics and include concepts from various education perspectives, linking education research with practice. BPER is co-sponsored and organized by the Centre for Faculty Development and The Wilson Centre. Presentations originate from St. Michael’s Hospital and are videocast to GTA locations. Monthly emails go out with topics, dates, time and location of the videocast at NYGH.
In addition there are:
- Activities planned by your university department
- The Centre for Faculty Development at the University of Toronto Visit the website.