Branson Ambulatory Care Centre update: Services moving

North York General Hospital (NYGH) is committed to providing exceptional health care to our diverse communities. As we work to enhance our care and services across all sites, we continue to design and create spaces that will improve the patient experience and meet the future needs of our communities, as well as staff, physicians, volunteers and learners. Part of this includes transitioning remaining ambulatory services from our Branson Ambulatory Care Centre.
After careful consideration and planning, two new locations were announced in 2018, which include the NYGH Outpatient and Community Services Centre and our Minor Surgical Procedures and Elder Care Centre. Our current plan is to complete the transition of all remaining services to the two new locations this summer.
The updated transition plan includes:
NYGH Outpatient and Community Services Centre (2 Champagne Drive):
- Complex Centre for Diabetes Care/Diabetes Education Centre (Move date: June 5, 2020)
- Ontario Breast Screening Program (Move date: June 5, 2020)
- Bone Mineral Densitometry Program (Move date: June 5, 2020)
The moves will take place end of May into early June
NYGH Minor Surgical Procedures and Elder Care Centre (243 Consumers Road):
- Cataract High Volume Centre (eye surgery)
- Diagnostic Cystoscopy Services
- Gale and Graham Wright Prostate Centre
- Specialized Geriatric Services (currently at Seniors’ Health Centre)
The moves are being scheduled and are anticipated to take place late June into early July.
Areas of care that have already moved from the Branson site include:
- Outpatient Plastics and General Surgery (General site, May 2019)
- Total Joint Assessment Centre (General site, May 2019)
- Child and Adolescent Mental Health Outpatient Program (Phillips House, June 2019)
- Adult Mental Health & Addictions (NYGH Outpatient and Community Services Centre, May 2020)
While the transition of services is expected to take place during this challenging time, we will continue to take all necessary precautions and implement enhanced various clinical and cleanliness processes to help keep our community safe.
Should you have questions related to the transition of services from our Branson site, please reach out to