Earl Bales Vaccination Clinic: April 27-28
April 27, 2021

**All the appointments have been fully booked. There are no walk-ins available.
North York General Hospital (NYGH) and North York Toronto Health Partners (NYTHP) are hosting a COVID-19 vaccination clinic for residents 18+ who live in priority buildings in Earl Bales, as well as residents in the M3H area code from Tuesday, April 27 to Wednesday, April 28 at Earl Bales Park (4169 Bathurst Street).
Earl Bales is a high-risk neighbourhood for COVID-19 infection and illness.
Other ways to get vaccinated:
- City of Toronto Mass Immunization Clinics
- Toronto hospital and Ontario Health Team clinics – vaccineto.ca
- Ontario clinics and participating pharmacies covid-19.ontario.ca/book-vaccine/