Newtonbrook Mobile Clinic: April 28, 29, 30

April 28, 2021

UPDATE: All appointment slots are now booked for the M2M & M2R postal code 18+ vaccine clinic at Newtonbrook Highschool. All appointment cards have been handed out for our clinics for April 28, 29 and 30. No walk-ups will be accepted.

North York General (NYGH) and North York Toronto Health Partners (NYTHP) are hosting a Mobile Vaccine Clinic at Newtonbrook Highschool (155 Hilda Ave.) on April 28, 29 and 30 for residents 18+ of the Newtonbrook area including the M2M and M2R postal code area, while supplies last.

Please note vaccines appointments have been booked.

Following Ontario’s Vaccine Plan, the highest risk neighbourhoods and groups will be vaccinated first. As more vaccine is received, mobile clinics will be expanded to other areas of North York.

Here are other ways eligible people can get vaccinated: