Thinking Beyond: Our New Strategic Plan

North York General Hospital (NYGH) has launched its new Strategic Plan 2020-2025, Thinking Beyond, which will prepare our organization to meet the needs of our diverse, growing and aging community.
Shaped by the input and experiences of thousands of people at NYGH, patients and families, community members, and partners, the strategy anticipates the changing needs of our community and reimagines the future of local health care.
As a leading community academic hospital, North York General plays a unique role in caring for our community and, for more than 50 years, we have been thinking beyond our walls. The path forward will build on this strong foundation to create an integrated and inclusive system of care for all people.
Our new Strategic Plan introduces a single purpose statement – Making a World of Difference. This reflects feedback we received about the opportunity to create a powerful statement that represents the experience we aspire to create for every person who is part of NYGH, who receives care from our organization, and partners with us.
Our Strategic Plan theme – Thinking Beyond – reflects our commitment to go further and reach higher for patients and our communities. This means advancing the clinical excellence for which we are so well known while partnering with patients, families and other organizations to improve the health and wellbeing of our communities and transform how health care is delivered.
Our four Strategic Directions are where we will focus over the next five years:
People Come First in Everything We Do: Thinking Beyond The Ordinary
Drive the Future of Integrated Care: Thinking Beyond our Walls
Be an Exceptional Learning Community: Thinking Beyond What We Know
Investing in a Better Tomorrow: Thinking Beyond Today