Ensuring the Safety of our Hospital Communities

From: Toronto Academic Health Sciences Network Leadership
February 13, 2024
Dear Colleagues,
Unfortunately, yesterday evening, a demonstration on University Avenue directly impacted Mount Sinai Hospital. This included trespassing on Hospital property. We are profoundly disturbed by this course of events as this protest ran the real risk of disrupting hospital operations and compromising the safety of staff, physicians, learners, patients and visitors – all totally unacceptable. Hospitals are places for treatment and care, not protests.
All of our hospitals and healthcare organizations are dedicated to ensuring accessible and safe care for everyone regardless of their religious faith, race, gender or sexual orientation. As leaders, we will not tolerate hatred in any form to permeate our hospitals. We unequivocally denounce this display of antisemitism and all forms of racism.
The safety of all of our staff, physicians, learners, patients, and visitors remains paramount and we are continuing to work alongside local law enforcement as well as our local security teams to ensure our hospitals and academic institutions remain accessible and safe for all.